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Steve Rosse's Tuba Student(s) at Sydney Opera House

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 9:56 am
by Steve Marcus
My wife and daughter sang the Duruflé Requiem and other works at the Sydney Opera House this week. In her support of my tuba interests, my wife reported that she met two of Steve Rosse's students who were successful at the 2006 ITEC Competitions. One of them apparently played in the orchestra for the Duruflé.

My wife, Tricia, says that one of the tubists is "Michael Allen" with an email address of She also says that one of the tubists has a new model Miraphone A-flat (yes, A-flat!) tuba. I told her that it was much more likely that she didn't hear correctly and that the tubist said "E-flat" as an Australian would pronounce it. My wife did mention that it was a 3+1 horn, so my guess is that it's the new Miraphone Ambassador.

The 2006 ITEC Young Tuba Artist winner was Duncan Spry, and the Arnold Jacobs Mock Orchestra Audition Competition was won by Thomas Allely, both students of Steve Rosse at the Sydney Conservatory. If either of you spoke with an American woman in a choral group performing at the Sydney Opera House this past week who said that her husband is a tubist, could you please email ( or PM me to help set the record straight? Also, if anyone on the BBS has the correct information, you're welcome to post it.

In any event, my wife said that the tubist sounded excellent. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:03 pm
by tuba_bloke
Yes this info is correct. They are all students at the Sydney conservatorium.
I believe Thomas ( will be headed to Chicago soon for study.

It is interesting to note that Michael Allen also won the ITEC Young Tuba Artist section a few years ago...2004?

Michael Allen's Tuba

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:47 am
by KiwiTuba
Hello Everyone,

I'm Thomas Allely, one of Steve Rosse's students at the Sydney Conservatorium. Hello!

Steve, I wasn't the student that your wife spoke to, but I can confirm for you that Michael Allen's new tuba is the new Miraphone "Norwegian Star" E Flat tuba. I'm afraid I don't know the model number or specs, but I can tell you that it has 5 rotary valves, and that Michael sounds fantastic on it!

The reason for the confusion re E FLat/A Flat is probably down to the barbarous accents all the aussies here speak with, as you suggested. However, it is possible the student your wife spoke with was trying to pull her leg. If she also came back with stories of "drop bears" (koala bears that drop out of the trees and attack unsuspecting tourists) that she heard from the student in question, then this might be the reason....


Thomas Allely in Australia (but not for too much longer)

PS did you wife and daughter have a chance to try Kangaroo or Crocodile while they were in our lovely city? How about Vegemite? It's the Aussie's secret weapon you know....)

Re: Michael Allen's Tuba

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:17 pm
by Steve Marcus
KiwiTuba wrote:did you wife and daughter have a chance to try Kangaroo or Crocodile while they were in our lovely city? How about Vegemite? It's the Aussie's secret weapon you know....)
Yes, Thomas, my wife and daughter loved kangaroo steak at a restaurant called, "The Little Snail." My wife brought home some Vegemite.

My wife and daughter were also very impressed with the entire orchestra that played for the "Voices in the House" concert.

Thomas, feel free to look me up when you arrive in Chicago. My shop is:

The Beautiful Sound/Chicago Piano Superstore
Phone: 630/512-9200
