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Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:01 am
by Lamminator
OK. I have tried a lot of E flat Tubas out there and am looking for a big sounding E flat. I currently play a Wessex E flat but am open to suggestions for another Tuba. Very happy to try rotary and non compensated versions. Further to this it will be an all-round axe capable of dealing with various solo and ensemble configurations. So guys and girls what are you thoughts?

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:19 am
by williamp
I purchased an Eb a couple of years ago and had the opportunity to try some very fine horns in the process. I like a big, darker sound and after trying numerous horns, decided on a Willson 3400. I had owned one years ago and always regretted selling it. I found the B&S PT22 to be a very nice horn, also, but the Willson slotted considerable better for me (this could be because of I was already used to a Willson from prior years, but I don't think so). Same with the MW similar Eb. The BMB horn I played seemed ergonomically top heavy and uncomfortable and also not as solid and responsive as the other horns, IMO. I also was interested in the Kanstul Eb, but was disappointed in the intonation of the particular new model I played. If you are looking for a bigger sounding Eb that allows you to cover literature often played on a bigger tuba, it's hard to beat the Willson. It's pretty much point and shoot for me. Good luck in your search.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:34 pm
by Lamminator
Interesting comments thanks guys. I tried the Norwegian Star at Music Messe this year. I was unconvinced but it's not really the place for a proper test and I will test again under proper conditions. I did love the Miraphone Hagen 496 though. Great B flat horn.

There are 3 types of Willson 3400 which one did you have Williamp? So difficult to get hold of them to try out other than going to Switzerland!!!! I'm base in Europe BTW.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:09 pm
by jeopardymaster
Until a couple of weeks ago my answer would be unequivocal - Miraphone Norwegian Star. I was extremely favorably impressed by the low range responsiveness of a Wessex "Gnagey" that I tried. I'm keeping my 983 but if I were to switch I'd be looking at one of those. I'm still very fond of the Miraphone, but it's a whole lot more expensive.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:41 pm
by Jay Bertolet
Another vote for the Willson 3400S. Specifically the silver plated version because that is what mine is and I love it! 2 bonuses:

1) These pistons are the best I've ever seen or heard of. Always fast, smooth, never sticking. Plus I almost never have to oil them. They remind me of rotary valves.

2) Willsons are very high build quality horns. Very sturdy and even the silver plate seems extra thick to me. My silver plate started to tarnish years ago and, where I would normally clean that off, this time I decided to leave it. Unlike most silver tarnish that turns mostly black, this one tarnishes with all kinds of green, blue, red, and purple colors. Totally cool!

Like any horn, try before you buy and you're guaranteed a winner. If you're in Europe, why not drive to the factory? They are very nice folks! Good luck.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:53 pm
by Tom
I don't play Eb and don't really know squat about Eb tubas (so I guess you can stop reading right there... :wink: )

But...I know that I like the way the "traditional" (???) Besson Eb 3+1 tubas SOUND such as the model 981. Again, I don't really know anything about PLAYING them, but I like the way they sound. If I were shopping for an Eb tuba, I think I'd start there.

I don't know enough about other Eb tubas on the market to really say much about them. The Willson and Besson 983 are both tubas I've tried, but they don't have that same 981 sound to them that I like.

Tom "so says the piston F tuba player :roll: " B.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:49 pm
by DonShirer
My MW2141 has a bigger sound than my Wessex Bombino. Another TubeNet poster, who incidentally is selling his MW2141, describes it: "The 2141 has a big robust sound and gets really fat in the lower register while still singing in the upper register.

Nevertheless, the Bombino is lighter and easier to lug around, so I tend to use it for most occasions nowadays.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:56 pm
by williamp
Mine is the Willson 3400S.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:56 pm
by TheGoyWonder
Checked out Eb tubas at NABBA, and got to compare similar 5-valve vs compensated tubas from Wessex. (compensated vs Gnagey). Yamaha Neo was a step up and very enjoyable to play.

Low notes come out easiest on the Wessex Gnagey (5-valver on a body similar to a compensator) - I wasn't expecting compensation to be a disadvantage between freshly minted tubas without compression or alignment issues. Pitch might be a different story...if pitch is doable, that's a great Eb tuba.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:00 pm
by Billy M.
bloke wrote:...I also like the older 15" bell Edgware St. Eb (same basic 3+1 comp model as the 19" bell versions, except for the bell). It's just difficult to find a 15" bell version of the Edgware St. (Besson/Boosey-Hawkes) that is [a] not all ragged out/leaky, and modern pitch.

I have one of these. It needs a little repair work but I just finished playing Mid-Summer Night's Dream on it and I received quite a few compliments. Great horn!

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:58 am
by AnorakHorn
Billy M. wrote:
bloke wrote:...I also like the older 15" bell Edgware St. Eb (same basic 3+1 comp model as the 19" bell versions, except for the bell). It's just difficult to find a 15" bell version of the Edgware St. (Besson/Boosey-Hawkes) that is [a] not all ragged out/leaky, and modern pitch.

I have one of these. It needs a little work but I just finished playing Mid-Summer Night's Dream on it and I received quite a few compliments. Great horn!

I have just moved from a Besson 982 to a 15" bell Imperial (with monel valves and with few dings) and I am loving it. The sound is still rich and organ like, but it has some clarity. One issue people seem to find on the compensated instruments is the low range. It's not hard to get out, just a little different to adjust to when coming from a non-compensated horn. There was good advice before on trying all out if possible and picking the one you like your sound on. My switch to the Imperial has been the best thing I have done for my playing personally.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:38 am
by opus37
I've been playing Eb tubas for close to 20 years now. I have several horns, two of which work as my go to horns for everything. The first is a Kanstil 66. This has a great organ like sound. The second is a 1912 Renowned Martin. Good luck in finding one of those. I have plead a lot of others. Wilson's are very nice, but it just wasn't for me. It just wasn't as efficient as my other horns. I had to work too hard to make it fun to play. I just don't like the ergonomics of the Yamaha horns. The point in all this, is you really have to try the horns. They may sound good, but it also about what sound you want, what you want to use it for, how it fits you physically, and is it fun for you to play. None of us can advise you on that, you have to decide for yourself.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:40 am
by Three Valves
DonShirer wrote:
Nevertheless, the Bombino is lighter and easier to lug around, so I tend to use it for most occasions nowadays.
As much as we all love the sound of a BAT, there's no beating the convenience of a SAT!!


Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:51 am
by Lamminator
Really good to hear positive views about the Wessex Gnagey Tuba. Jonathan didn't have it at Franfurt but I hope to at some point have blow on it. Seems to be only a small handful of quality E flat out there compared to the other keys. The search continues.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:32 pm
by Phil Dawson
I play a Besson 983. I also have a Miraphone 1293 that I play. They both are great horns to play but as I get older I find that the 983 is more fun to play and a lot easier to lug around. Phil

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 4:00 pm
by b.williams
The Wessex Champion is a very good Eb tuba. Not many are better.

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 4:13 pm
by Z-Tuba Dude
I don't know if I can claim it to be the best, but my 983 is a lot of fun to play!

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:31 pm
by toobagrowl
I regularly play on my "large" vintage Eb tubas in various ensembles. They have a warmth/color of sound that NONE of the modern Eb tubas have. But they are also more tempermental than modern ones.
Were I in the market for a new/modern "large" Eb that had a nice, big voice, I'd look into the M-W 2141 or B&S PT-22. IMO, Better sound color than the other modern Eb tubas. The big Willson Eb and Besson 983 front action Eb tubas are also nice. But I agree with bloke - they are kinda bland.

* I put "large" in quotes as those tubas are large as far as bass tubas are concerned, but are not large for contrabass standards :!:

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:51 pm
by toobagrowl
^ Well the difference between a 19" bell and a 15" bell is pretty big :!: A 19" bell makes it more an 'all-around/ensemble' horn whereas a 15" bell makes it more a 'solo' horn :idea:

Re: Recommendations for best Eflat Tubas on the market today

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:36 pm
by Ben
I haven't played many modern Eb's either. I will say that the old (1890s early 1900s) Cerveny DeLuxe Eb's has an amazing depth of sound, even with a 15" bell. They can be found used, and they have a huge bore. Mine is in the shop right now.

Just a reminder that there are some amazing older horns out there.