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Happy Masefield

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:40 pm
by Bloopy
I was trying to find the real name of tuba & double bass player Happy Masefield for a website I contribute to. Here's a track he plays tuba on:

I did find some funny stuff via Google so I thought I'd share. A couple of newspaper articles propagate the rumour that he's the son of British poet John Masefield. However, John's son Lewis was a bit young to be on the above recording, and perished in WWII around the time that Happy was running a cocktail lounge:
Happy Masefield, who used to be a top bull-fiddler and now runs a cocktail lounge called the Bull Fiddle out Elmhurst way, has a sign over the bar: "In case of an air raid-first pay your check-and then don't holler."
This suggests Happy is his real name after all:
Happy Masefield, considered one of the best "popular" bass players in the country, has a passion for zipping along at a merry speed in his car. Happy stutters, too, and, though Happy is his real name, it usually balks him when he tries to pronounce it. Some of his friends seem to think it is just a little stunt but H H Ha Happy says no. He does admit, however, that his stuttering has got him out of some difficulties with speed officers. When they stop him on the road, take a look at his license and bark questions at him, Happy begins to try to explain things. Usually, he says, the coppers get impatient, break him off in the middle of a s-s-sentence with a warning and tell him to drive along.
That alleged stunt doesn't always work of course:
Bass player Happy Masefield, who stutters badly, was laughing about his inability to start talking when the phone rang. "Next time y-y-you call," he said, "and n-n-nobody answers, d-d-don't hang up. That's m-me on the phone." One time Happy and a fellow musician who also stuttered were rushing to an engagement, when a traffic cop hailed them, yelling, "W-w-where do y-y-you think you're g-g-going?" Like the old story, their stutters aroused the cop, who thought they were mocking him, and they wound up in jail, accused of being "w-w-wise g-guys."
Still, I'm curious to know if anyone else can dig up anything on his name.

Re: Happy Masefield

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:45 am
by jmasefield
Hi Bloopy, if you're still interested in learning about Happy, Im his grandson and have done a bit of research on him. His real name was Harold Masefield. As kids we were only aware that he played upright bass. It was only in recent years when I did my research that it became self evident that all of his touring (and recording) in bands in the 20's was primarily as a tuba player. As many on this forum know, he switched to the upright to keep up with the times. He seemed to be a very colorful character and as you have highlighted above, he was able to make a positive out of his stuttering impediment which only endeared himself to people around him. He played with Paul Whitman, Vincent Lopez, Ace Brigode, Ray Miller. He stopped touring to open The Bull Fiddle Cocktail Lounge in Elmhurst (Queens) NY where he hosted and played music with various musicians that loved to stop by. Please let me know if I can be of any more assistance