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WTB Miraphone 1291/1292/1293 (in May)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:16 am
by MooseMan
Hey all,

I am wondering to see if anyone has a Miraphone 1291, 1292 or 1293 they are looking to sell. I would like it be in silver plate. As the subject states, I wont be ready to make a move until May, but I just wanted to place this up now so I wouldn't waste any time once May rolls around. I will also be in and out a lot starting late May/early June so I want to spend the next month looking.

I have about $6000 locked in, but that will be more by May I'm sure. I'm just interested in these thre horns. I wont consider lacquer horns unfortunately. If you are in the area, a play test would be amazing but its not the end of the world if I can't get one.

If you have any leads, by all means, you may send a direct email to" target="_blank. You may send PM's, but there is a chance I wont see them.

