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Re: Winter storm Harper

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:24 am
by roweenie
Snowmageddon was predicted (again), final result, 3" - - - - I don't know how it affected the folks north of me.

Deep freeze (single digits) coming on the storm's heels.

I used to poke fun at the older folks that went down to Florida for the winter months...... :oops:

Re: Winter storm Harper

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:36 am
by Three Valves
Last weekend 0 to nine inched of snow was predicted.

We got ten!!

Mostly melted now, it’s supposed to rain today and have a high of only 20 tomorrow.

Re: Winter storm Harper

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:06 am
by bort
Temperature is -5, and no snow. I hear it makes for great ice skating on the lakes!

The weather up here isn't usually what people think of as "pleasant," but it also seems like it is rarely an issue. Tradeoffs!

Re: Winter storm Harper

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:52 am
by Three Valves
Snow in Mississippi??

Someone call Heatmiser!!

Re: Winter storm Harper

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:30 pm
by MaryAnn
Reminded me of when I lived in Albany, NY, the whiteouts, ice, etc.
BTW I am not diabetic but when I travel I take with me frozen cooked hamburger patties. Especially in winter they will keep quite a while and avoid the frantic can-I-eat-anything-they-have food hunt at odd hours.
I wish someone would come up with a real live healthy People Kibble that was not sweet (even "protein bars" are too sweet) so that people could keep a bag of it for emergencies. There are human grade cat kibbles though, and in an emergency I think that would do. They are not sweet either. Our locally made one, called Azmira, I have actually eaten some of to test hits human-grade status. Was fine.

Re: Winter storm Harper

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:45 pm
by roweenie
the elephant wrote:I am a diabetic, so before I venture home on the isolated roads out in the forest I *must* eat something or I can go into a diabetic coma, and that can lead to bad things when you are driving alone at night on a deserted road many miles from any first responders.

So I hit the road and look for a meal, as per usual. It is Saturday night, so all the "hat racks" are out performing their mating rituals. I get to Food Option No. 1, which has several items I can safely eat. No dice. The sullen, angry, glassy-eyed child at the counter greets me with garbage attitude. I smile, chat a little (no one is behind me, no one is in the restaurant, so "Y'all been busy tonight or has it been like this for most of it?") This leads to them telling me they are out of what I want. Oh, we are out of that, too. No, we ain't got none of that, either.

"Can I get some hot coffee, then?"

"Let me check. No, we out."

"Can you put on a pot?"

In a derisive, snide voice, she veeeeery grudgingly says, "Yeah. I *guess* so." This is followed by the most over-acted sigh and shoulder shrug every seen by humanity.
Elephant, I feel your pain - I have celiac disease, so I know the challenges involved with eating on the road - as such, I have a memorized list of all the places on my usual routes that can serve gluten-free food.

I was between gigs on Christmas eve, and needed to get something to eat. Unfortunately, most every place was closed early....I called one place, and they said they were closing in 5 minutes; I told them I was 15 minutes away, and that they were my last chance - believe it or not, they said they would stay open and await my arrival. I thanked him with a $20 tip for a $12 take-out order and a very sincere "Merry Christmas".

As a fall-back, I always keep a few Kind bars in the car.....not my favorite (too much sugar, etc.), but they have a lot of protein, and will keep for long periods of time.

As to the folks who give me a hard time with my dietary requirements, I just say "I'm sorry my disease is an inconvenience to you".