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Stars and Shipes 2022

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 4:02 pm
by mshipes
Hi Everyone,

I'm happy to announce that the Stars and Shipes Mock-Band E-Competition is back for 2022!

Stars and Shipes is a mock-military band competition aimed to prepare participants to audition for military band positions, or to just improve at performing and music-making in general. We have several Star judges providing feedback for competitors who will be announced this week on our website and social media.

An exciting addition last year is the Stars and Shipes Masterclass Series. Registration for the competition grants you access to six masterclasses starting from 2021, and three more upcoming masterclasses this summer.

There are three rounds of competition, and the preliminary video is due by the end of the day July 11.

Also, since this competition is completely online, anyone can participate without leaving their homes!

Information about prizes is forthcoming, but will include 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, with a combination of monetary prizes, gift certificates to the store, and scholarships to the 2023 International Euphonium Tuba Festival.

Please check out our website at
Follow us on Facebook here:
and Instagam here:

I will post updates here as judges are announced, and repertoire is posted online.

Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions. Thank you!