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MP3 files posted - Marty Neilan Recital

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:06 am
by MartyNeilan
**Scroll down to last post**

Marty Neilan will be performing a one hour senior recital at Lee University in Cleveland, TN at 6:00 PM.
The recital will be held in the new Squires Recital Hall, which is located in the new academic building (with the clock tower on top) on Parker Street immediately next to the school of music building. Lee University is reasonably close to Chattanooga and Knoxville and about 2 hours from Atlanta. PM me for directions or more information. A reception featuring 12 pounds of homemade hand pulled pork BBQ and other goodies will follow.

Concerto for Tuba…………………………..…….Edward Gregson
Allegro deciso
Lento e mesto
Allegro giocoso
MW2145 CC Contrabass Tuba
Sonata in F Major…………………………...…Benedetto Marcello
Martin 6/4 Bellfront BBb Contrabass Tuba (BAT)
Concerto No. 3 for Horn, K 447.……..Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Romanze: Larghetto
Rondo: Allegro
Cerveny Harmonia 6 valve F Bass Tuba
Mr. Harry’s Haberdashery...…….…..……...…David R. Holsinger
from Kansas City Dances
MW2145 CC Contrabass Tuba
Concerto for Bass Tuba………..………. Ralph Vaughan-Williams
Allegro moderato
Romanza: Andante sostenuto
Finale: Rondo alla tedesca
Cerveny Harmonia 6 valve F Bass Tuba
All horns will be played with a Rudy Meinl RM-9, 8mm for added brightness in the hall. Ms. Mary Beth Wickes will be accompanying on a Steinway Concert Grand.

Marty Neilan

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:06 pm
by TubaRay
Best wishes for a great recital. Sounds like a really nice program.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:54 pm
by MartyNeilan
Been cookin' the pork for the last two days. Will make homemade Italian meatballs tomorrow (grandmother in New Jersey's recepie.) However the music comes out, the food will sure be good!

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:29 pm
by MartyNeilan
Overall, it went well, and the food was also well received; even the University President Dr. Conn stayed for a BBQ sandwich. Unfortunately, most movements were not "note perfect" - there was the occassional blip on a high note or putting down the wrong valve for something I had played correctly 500 times before; and the accompanist threw me for a few surprises that we seamlessly recovered from - but it won't make an ideal flawless audition tape :( But I thought I would post one of the promo posters for it. I posted it over all the urinals in the music building the day before the recital. Surprisingly, they were not taken down and several professors including Dr. David Holsinger complemented me on how funny they were.

The thing that surprised me the most afterwards was just how different some peoples tases are. Some people loved the slow movements and hated the fast stuff, others preferred the livelier Holsinger and 1st and 3rd VW mvts. Some "traditionalists" preferred the Mozart over the 20th century works, others absolutely loved the Holsinger. A pro trombonist loved the tone of the big Martin and small Cerveny but not the dark and rich Meinl Weston CC sound; a tuba student greatly preferred the sound of the MW over the other horns; a semi retired trumpet player thought the Martin was way too spread. The sweet sounding Cervey F was probably the only horn that was universally loved. At least I was able to keep up with a full sized Steinway concert grand at FULL Stick. Some loved the Gregson concerto and others saw it as a warmup to the rest of the program. Go figure.

Although I wasn't permitted to talk, I tried to enlive the recital with some "schtick". When I was going to play the big 6/4 Martin, I instead brought out the small Cerveny F. I looked down shook my head, and went back offstage. Then with the 4/4 Meinl Weston. Same thing, and mouthed "too small". Then I finally came out with the 24" belled Martin to the cheers of all the low brass players. Also, on the very last note of the selection from Kansas City Dances, I pointed straight to Dr. Holsinger as I punched the note. (I had actually practiced doing this beforehand, to point to the left, center, and right as I played the note, as I did not know exactly where he would be seating!) Fortunately, my humour was well received, and Dr. Holsinger christened me the "Victor Borge of the tuba" the next day.


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:11 am
by MartyNeilan
Below are links to some of the movements. I uploaded the files in 56kbs MP3 format for space considerations. I also did not have enough space for the gargantuan Gregson, perhaps I will post that later.
The recording was mic’ed in the back of the hall, so the sound is a little more indirect than I would have liked. I apologize for the static towards the end (on some of the VW mvts) – it seems to be on the master. (And please forgive the accompanist – she had way too much on her plate at the time.) I "normalized" the files to bring up the volume, the master was set rather low.
Too bad I couldn't have posted the visual antics and the BBQ - they were the best part!
--> right click links with mouse and click "save target as"
Martin BAT ... o56kbs.mp3 ... o56kbs.mp3
Cerveny F ... e56kbs.mp3 ... o56kbs.mp3 ... o56kbs.mp3 ... a56kbs.mp3
MW 2145 CC ... y56kbs.mp3
I decided to put the Martin first for "Doc's" sake!

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:57 pm
by Norm in Bellevue
Nice recital. One can tell you were having fun. As a euph player who's still investigating various types of tubas, I found the clips most interesting. I'm working on the Rondo from Mozart's Bassoon Concerto. After listening to you play the Rondo from the Horn Concerto, I think I need to go pratice some more!