New Return Policy for MACK Brass

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New Return Policy for MACK Brass

Post by MackBrass »

Satisfaction Guarantee: I have always had a very flexible 7 day trial with a 100% money back for any returns but now I am expanding on this.

If after the 7-day trial period you do not love the instrument you purchased from me, I will refund your money 100% plus, I will refund all your shipping costs. Until now, there are no companies I know of that offer to refund the shipping, especially in both directions. In the past, if you purchased an instrument somewhere and did not like it, you would be out your shipping which could run into several hundred dollars, not to mention, some companies charge a restocking fee of up to 20%. Not here, if you purchase any instrument from MACK Brass and do not like the instrument, you will not be out a dime as I don’t charge restocking fees, plus, I will pay for the shipping in both directions. I am able to do this because I stand behind what I do and am very confident with the models I sell, my goal is to make you a satisfied customer.

In our fist year we sold over 120 instruments and we are just getting started. This may not sound like much to most, but when you have to ship them, it’s a lot. I have narrowed down what I am willing to put my name on and will continue to test new models in the future, if a new model does not make my cut, it doesn't go on my site. I would rather run a bad model over with my car to make it a wall ornament then sell it with my name on it, believe me, I have almost done this more than once.
Tom McGrady
MACK Brass of Virginia LLC
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