Finally- web site update!

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Lee Stofer
4 valves
4 valves
Posts: 929
Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2004 7:50 am

Finally- web site update!

Post by Lee Stofer »

Hello all,
WOW, what a year this has been, serving a record-breaking number of musicians in metro Atlanta, throughout the USA, and Internationally. I want to extend a heart-felt "Thank-you" to all of you who have made this possible.

Since Wednesday, I have been feeding new information to my web site guy, so that it is up-to-date for the first time in months. But, even as I was photographing and creating ads for instruments for sale, three of them sold before I finished transferring the info, so be sure and check out the site. They seem to be selling fast, and there are tubas in all price ranges. If there is a particular instrument that you are looking for and you don't see one for sale here, feel free to let me know, for I have some instruments in the shop that are still being prepared, or I may know where to get the instrument you are looking for.

Mike Finn and I plan to once again join forces (former Marine and former Soldier, how appropriate) at the Capitol Tuba-Euphonium Conference in Washington, DC in January, 2006. Mike will be unveiling his new line of euphonium/trombone mouthpieces, and besides my mobile shop, there's no telling what I might bring - ;^)

There will also be information on the website about the planned relocation of my business to Iowa to the family farm in 2006, probably late spring. To that end, I need to sell every instrument in the shop by February, so no reasonable offer will be refused on any instrument in stock. Despite the move, I do plan to be at the ITEC - "High Altitude, Low Brass" in Denver, CO, with at least my mobile shop, accessories, and info packets for my new shop.

I would invite any instrument repair tech that might be interested in purchasing my present location which includes a 4BR, 3.5 bath home, and 800sq/ft shop on an acre+ lot in suburban Atlanta to e-mail or call. There is still an abundance of repair work waiting here.

Now, find your long underwear, get your horn and music, and go out there and support your local TubaChristmas!
Lee A. Stofer, Jr.
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